Feedback: ionic 4 cli > ionic lab is taking too long to compile


updated to latest cli and I am running ìonic lab command. Following is the cli output

Date: 2019-01-30T11:53:51.562Z - Hash: c1a6384c5e078fc39d98 - Time: 4448ms
[ng] 181 unchanged chunks
[ng] chunk {intro-intro-module} intro-intro-module.js, (intro-intro-module) 7.17 kB  [rendered]
[ng] i 「wdm」: Compiled successfully

4 seconds is too long for the refresh. It was very fast in v3. I am on Dell XPS 15 with i7, 16 GB RAM and 512GB SSD.

Yup, ionic 3 is way faster:

[app-scripts] [10:18:04]  build finished in 1.27 s