Ionic 4 slow compile time

My new Ionic projects take more than 100000ms everytime it compiles. tried it with multiple new projects, all of them are extremely slow.

[ng] i 「wdm」: Compiling...
[ng] Date: 2018-10-09T13:28:58.064Z - Hash: 65e0e0d39e445c0b5c3b - Time: 106610ms
[ng] 173 unchanged chunks
[ng] chunk {home-home-module} home-home-module.js, (home-home-module) 6.36 kB  [rendered]
[ng] i 「wdm」: Compiled successfully.

Ionic version: 4.1.1

Node Version: 8.11.1

Is this a --prod build or just ionic serve?

It’s just the ionic serve.

If Ionic Angular v4-beta.12, would you like to give a try to upgrade to Node v10? I remember having read somewhere something about someone which solved this by upgrading his/her Node version to a more recent one


I never experience anything near to 100s.
You could try disabling your source maps

So, I had to upgrade to the current Node version (not the LTS version). That kind of solved the issue.


Pour moi j’ai 1 disc dur sir mon pc. 1 en ssd ou l’appli travail bien et l’autre en hdd et la mon appli mais aussi beaucoup de temps a travailler.
Je vais aussi suivre les conseil pour la mise a jour de node