Failure to find the bower component "ionic-platform-web-client"

Hi, i get this error whenever i try to add the “ionic-platform-web-client”. Please help

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works for me with “bower install ionic-platform-web-client” .




Figured it out, had to install git bash, thought i did earlier.

I am still facing the problem . I have git bash installed. Am I missing something ?
Not able to install through bower.

try using bower install --save-dev ionic-platform-web-client

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you may try to run these two in cmd before you install ionic-platform-web-client.

  • npm install -g ionic
  • ionic lib update

Just use “npm install -g bower”, works for me. :relaxed:

I deleted the bower.json of my project and type bower init and then bower install --save-dev ionic-platform-web-client.
Works for me

I have this error when use this command “ionic add ionic-platform-web-client”.
Bower error, check that “ionic-platform-web-client” exists,
or try running “bower install --save-dev ionic-platform-web-client” for more info. (CLI v1.7.16)

Can someone help me?