Hey Guys stuck in a strange issue using Ionic framework.
When I create a login form,and user tries to scroll the screen keeping touch on textbox then page dont scrolls while keeping focus on other places in the page it scrolls @adam@andy@mhartington
Here is my form so far:
<img src="img/arrow@2x.png" style="width:16px; height:29px;">
<p style="color: white; margin-top: 90px; margin-left: 25px; font-size:13.585px;">* Mandatory</p>
<p style="color: white; margin-top: 16px; margin-left: 24px; font-size:13.585px;margin-right:0px |important">By creating an account, user agrees to Gretel Terms of Use.</p>
Hmm, the forum ate your html formatting I think. What you’re saying is that if you start the touch event on the textarea, you can’t scroll?
This is a common problem with web-apps. Easiest solution is to just ignore it, as I don’t think it’s that unexpected of a behavior. Otherwise you might be able to detect onTouchStart events and return false once scrolling happens after some delay, but I have no idea how to do that given the ionic/angular framework.
There are some jquery-based solutions for it if you google around, that you might be able to adapt…
Me too facing the same problem from past versions of the ionic and it has not been fixed yet, i have posted my soo many queries in this framework but no work around yet.
Not your ionic cli version, but if you look in the actual js or css file, you should see a copy right block that should tell you what build of ionic you have
I never did, i will try
The problem seems to grow on by increasing the content. If there is more than 50 lines text, the problems appear.
<50 line it will work but sometimes you have to do more than 3 times. Is there anywhere to use hg-click --e.preventdefault-handler?
I loaded version beta 2 but if nightly doesn’t help, this will not help!?
Do you ever seen ionic apps with a lot of text (>100 lines) for android that works fine with scrolling?
Is there a best best way to do?