Forms don't scroll smoothly on my device (and sometimes don't scroll at all)

I have designed a form page and looks good on my devices ( iPhone / Android ). But when i try to scroll, it does not scroll smoothly and sometimes does not even scroll. As per my understanding it is able to scroll when i tap on labels and text data on form but when i scroll it from form elements like textfield, dropdowns it shows no effect. Can anyone help ?

What version of Ionic are you using? Can you try the nightly builds?

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  <script src=""></script>

I am using the following version currently:
“version”: “0.9.25”,
“codename”: “quokka”

Try updating to the latest version

Thanks for the suggestion. I tried with the latest beta version (Ionic Beta 4) and it works well by eliminating the scrolling issue. Also found another solution for it, if you want to work with older version as well. Just needed to add the following attribute in the ion-content tag overflow-scroll=“true”.

On latest Ionic version, scrolling with long forms (10 textareas), isn’t very smooth (especially android)
I agree with the first point that it depends where you put your finger - if you hold to scroll on the form element itself (e.g. a textarea), the scroll is bad… but if you hold your finger on say a divider, its absolutely fine, just like regular scrolling

Good news is that most form pages don’t need “pull to refresh” so reverting to the other scroll method is a viable workaround.