Facebook share

how to share a

content vith the social Sharing plugin

Please check this url https://blog.nraboy.com/2014/10/implement-social-media-sharing-ionicframework/ That all you need

i don’'t find any information. can you help me with the code?

Hi arsene, Go to your project directory in the nodejs command prompt and install the sharing plugin using this code.

First, check if you have installed ngCordova, if not install, you can install ngCordova using bower

> bower install ngCordova

You dont have bower? you can install bower in your node interpreter using npm install bower

> cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing

After successful installation

Add $cordovaSocialSharing to your controller and do the following code

message = "Your message"
subject  = "Your title"
logo      = "Your logo url"
url       =  "The url of the app"
>  $scope.shareAnywhere = function() {

>         $cordovaSocialSharing.share(message, subject, logo, url);
>     }
>     $scope.shareViaTwitter = function() {
>         $cordovaSocialSharing.canShareVia("twitter", message, logo, url).then(function(result) {
>             $cordovaSocialSharing.shareViaTwitter(message, logo, url);
>         }, function(error) {
>             alert(error)
>         });
>     }

>     $scope.shareViaFacebook = function() {
>         $cordovaSocialSharing.canShareVia("facebook", message, logo, url).then(function(result) {
>             $cordovaSocialSharing.shareViaFacebook(message, logo, url);
>         }, function(error) {
>              alert(error)
>         });
>     }

my problem is how can i share a html content of my view? exemple photo, text or location??? help me please