Extra line every two <ion-item> in Sidemenu

I have sidemenu and give some lists with <ion-item> like this

           <ion-item item-type="item-icon-left" class="item-dark" nav-clear menu-close ui-sref="app.main">
                <i class="icon ion-home"></i>
                {{ "home" | translate }}
            <ion-item item-type="item-icon-left" class="item-dark" nav-clear menu-close ui-sref="app.tabungan">
                <i class="icon ion-grid"></i>
                {{ "saving" | translate }}

But seems like every two list, there’s an extra line(double), and this problem exists in my Android 4.4

How to fix this? is this normal?


You Might upload codepen? It’s hard to fix just looking at your picture :slight_smile:


basically its just normal side menu like example, but i just make it to dark


i dont see the double line in your codepen.

are there any css style you apply to this ion-items?

Sorry, i’m forgot to tell that problem exists in Android 4.4

Update my question … thanks