Ionic - how to add icons to the side menu items


I know this might be a really basic question but i’m getting started with ionic2 and a bit stumped…

I have built an app using the sidemenu starter template, added a few pages, but I want to make my sidemenu look nicer with some nice ionicons. But I simply cannot figure it out and googling is getting me nowhere.

Here is snippet from my app.html:

      <button menuClose ion-item *ngFor="let p of pages" (click)="openPage(p)">

And here is the pages object this menu is driven off from app.component.ts

this.pages = [
  { title: 'Home', component: TabsPage },
  { title: 'Profile', component: ProfilePage },
  { title: 'Feedback', component: FeedbackPage },

How can I add icons to each menu item? Or point me to an example?

Thank you in advance!


Hello, have you tried something like this?
You can insert the button inside the ion-item or change the ion-item style to be your button.

        <ion-item class="item-icon-left" menu-close ng-click="login()">
          <i class="ion-star"></i> Login

it works for me :slight_smile:

Thanks for response Pedro, but I can see a couple of problems

  1. your example looks like ionic/angular 1 … i am working with ionic2
  2. I cannot figure out how to display a working menu item button without using the pages array. If i could hard-code each menu item that would be great, but i need an example because i can’t get it working

I see, I’ll make a dummy Ionic 2 project right now and try to work it out.

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Ok, so the first thing I tried was making rows and cols using the grid system. Didn’t work.
Tried using the item-icon-left class and didn’t work either…

So I went simple:

    <button menuClose ion-item *ngFor="let p of pages" (click)="openPage(p)">
      <ion-icon name="add-circle"></ion-icon> {{p.title}}

You can style it to make it look nicer, it’s one way to do it.

Now [quote=“chazwoza, post:3, topic:74654”]
I cannot figure out how to display a working menu item button without using the pages array. If i could hard-code each menu item that would be great, but i need an example because i can’t get it working

You can do it like this:

    <button menuClose ion-item (click)="myCustomFunction(1)">
      <ion-icon name="add-circle"></ion-icon> My custom page 1
    <button menuClose ion-item (click)="myCustomFunction(2)">
      <ion-icon name="add-circle"></ion-icon> My custom page 2
    <button menuClose ion-item (click)="myCustomFunction(3)">
      <ion-icon name="add-circle"></ion-icon> My custom page 3

First time messing with Ionic 2, maybe this is not the optimal way. But you can start from here I guess.

Ok seem to have it working like this below, small variation of what you suggested.


export class MyApp {
  @ViewChild(Nav) nav: Nav;

  rootPage: any = TabsPage;

  pages: Array<{title: string, component: any}>;
  pages2: any;

  constructor(public platform: Platform) {

    // used for an example of ngFor and navigation
    this.pages = [
      { title: 'Home', component: TabsPage },
      { title: 'Profile', component: ProfilePage },
      { title: 'Feedback', component: FeedbackPage },

    this.pages2 = {
      profilePage: ProfilePage,
      homePage: TabsPage,
      feedbackPage: FeedbackPage,

  initializeApp() {
    this.platform.ready().then(() => {
      // Okay, so the platform is ready and our plugins are available.
      // Here you can do any higher level native things you might need.


  openPage(page) {
    // Reset the content nav to have just this page
    // we wouldn't want the back button to show in this scenario



  <button menuClose ion-item icon-left (click)="nav.setRoot(pages2.homePage)">
    <ion-icon name="home"></ion-icon>
  <button menuClose ion-item icon-left (click)="nav.setRoot(pages2.profilePage)">
    <ion-icon name="person"></ion-icon>
  <button menuClose ion-item icon-left (click)="nav.setRoot(pages2.paymentPage)">
    <ion-icon name="cash"></ion-icon>

Good job, glad it worked.

This is what I have:

<ion-menu [content]="content">

      <button menuClose ion-item *ngFor="let p of pages" (click)="openPage(p)">
        <ion-icon [name]="p.icon" item-left></ion-icon>
        {{ }}


Nice - so you just extended your pages object like this:

pages: Array<{title: string, component: any, icon: string}>;

this.pages = [ { title: 'Home', component: TabsPage, icon: "home" ...
This is a nice clean example and seems to be working! Thanks :slight_smile:


Yes, but I also have a NavigationProvider that I use for the menu and also for the DeepLink configuration. It contains the definitions for pages.

Hello Chazwoza, mine is just displaying a string not an icon. how did you go about it? Thanks

It has worked. Thank you

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How to add custom icons to menu. I have seen that only Ionic icons can set as menu. I need to add custom icons for the menu can you please help.


I am newly try to start in Ionic. I have seen In Ionic 2 only the default icons can use. Is there any way to add my custom icons or images for side menu template table view lists.


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hi this code error
this.pages error

please replay

Add icons to other elements.
El array es de tres elementos title,component e icono, agregale un icono a los demas elementos.

this.pages = [

  { title: 'Inicio', component: Inicio, icon: "home"},
  { title: 'perfil', component: Perfil, icon: "person" },
  { title: 'Cerar Sesion', component: Login, icon: "power" },
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Thank you, It’s work

It has working thank u…

I have also the same query can we add custom icons or images in the side menu?

Yes you can use like this.

  <button menuClose ion-item *ngFor="let p of pages" (click)="openPage(p)">
    <img class="menuIcon" src="assets/icon/transportation.png">