Experiencing errors lately?

I got some questions regarding some errors I’ve started to see recently does anyone experiencing the same. This seems to have happened after updating xCode but I’m not really sure since I usually use the run iOS command in CLI and the app works so I never noticed.

Only on psychical devices:

→ nw_application_id_create_self NECP_CLIENT_ACTION_GET_SIGNED_CLIENT_ID [80: Authentication error] // Anybody knows what this mean? Seems to be due to iOS beta since i got two one beta and one without and the one with out does not have this.

→ Failed to resolve host network app id // Anybody knows what this mean? Seems to be due to iOS beta since i got two one beta and one without and the one with out does not have this.

→ Warning: -[BETextInput attributedMarkedText] is unimplemented

→ Failed to request allowed query parameters from WebPrivacy. // Anybody knows what this mean?


I am stucked in same issue.

i have the same issue im toying with the settings but its not working

i had this error with cordova-plugin-idfa version 3.0.0. downgrading to version 2.1.0 seemed to solve it for me.
Good luck!

I am also encountering this. No success in fixing this so far.

Experiencing the same issues here as well.

Hello, I have the same issue. You have resolved? I can’t fix it.
For test: I have this error on the blank app whit no custom. I have only created it.

Has anyone figured out a solution to this? I’m experiencing this as well. Not really sure what to try next… Started a stack issue for it & mentioned this thread:

Installing cordova-plugin-file plugin fixed the issue for me :

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file