Error occurred while loading plugins. CLI functionality may be limited

I receive this error when I use ionic cli:

Error occurred while loading plugins. CLI functionality may be limited. Checking for CLI updates now…

global packages:
@ionic/cli-utils : 1.0.0
Ionic CLI : 3.0.0

Node : v6.6.0
OS : Windows 10
Xcode : not installed
ios-deploy : not installed
ios-sim : not installed

I think that the Ionic Client updated automatically.

Could you please help me?


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Hi @lsantaniello, can you try your command with the --verbose flag?

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Sorry @dwibeeb, I solved reinstalled ionic

npm uninstall -g ionic
npm install -g ionic@2.2.1

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Going back to v2 is a valid choice, of course, but you should take the last version 2.2.3 where all bugs are fixed.


Ok, I will update it but now I receive “Error: Your android platform does not have Api.js” when exec…

ionic build android --prod --release

Tips for me?

@isantaniello yes one tip but a long shot.
Try to make this bunch of CLI commands to fully rebuild it and erase old .apk:
ionic build android --dev
ionic run android
ionic build android --prod
ionic run android --prod

Another option is to upload your Ionic local app to Ionic View, it has some little bugs but it works well if you only use supported cordova plugins
ionic upload

Then try your ionic app from Ionic view app
If your Ionic view app doesn’t refresh to last version, simply change your app id in

to: ""
instead of: “6ekfhnskfdjshnk”

and then redo,

ionic upload

This solved my issue this morning, with Ionic View not updating to my last codebase.

hope it helps :slight_smile:

you need install :

npm install --save-dev --save-exact @ionic/cli-plugin-ionic-angular@latest
npm install --save-dev --save-exact @ionic/cli-plugin-cordova@latest

I have the same problem. But this doesn’t work for me. Roll back to the previous version 2.2.1 of ionic works. but what kind of problem it is?

Is there a documentation to see the changes between 3.0 and the last stable version? I got stuck on this error today as well. had no idea why ionic state reset is not working.


Experienced the same error a few minutes ago, also on Win10. Rolling back to 2.2.3 fixed the issue.

Sure: Ionic CLI v3 released!

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As I said before: Not using v2 is a valid choice, but please use the newest version of v2 then: 2.2.3.

Also:[quote=“sachithra, post:8, topic:89570”]
But this doesn’t work for me.

What do you mean by that?

Thanks for the link!!!

Thank you so much, It works for me :slight_smile:

Thanks you work for me roll back to v2.2.3

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After installing cli 3.0 I had the same error.
I added in package.json in “devDependencies” code:
"@ionic/app-scripts": “1.3.7”,
"@ionic/cli-plugin-cordova": “1.0.0”,
"@ionic/cli-plugin-ionic-angular": “1.0.0”,
“typescript”: "2.2.1"
Next npm install and went

Hey, if you have this error please don’t just fix it by running some random code from here but tr this and post the output here:

Maybe we will be able to debug the problem then and fix it in the next version so nobody else has to go through these step at all. Thanks you

I just installed latest version of Ionic, and when I run ionic -v I get the following errors:

ionic -v --verbose
[ERROR] Error occurred while loading plugins. CLI functionality may be limited.
        Checking for CLI updates now...
[ERROR] No updates found after plugin error--please report this issue.

Someone having a solution that’s not downgrading ionic?

Do you already have a local Ionic project?
If not: What happens if you run ionic start --verbose?
If yes: What happens if you run ionic info in its folder?