Drag gesture not working properly on mobile device

I’m trying to use simple drag gesture in my application. Everything works as expected in browser (Chrome v33.0) but when I run it on my mobile device I get only 1 drag event. I’m using ionic (v1.0.0-beta.1) in combination with angularjs(1.2.12).
I’ve created simple project using generator-ionic and added directive test.
Here is the directive snippet (just link function):

link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
            scope.dragCount = 0;
            var dragFn = function (e) {
            scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
                $ionicGesture.off(dragGesture, 'drag', dragFn);
            var dragGesture = $ionicGesture.on('drag', dragFn, element);


Directive is in home view:

  <ion-content scroll="false">
    <div test>test</div>

When I’m running the app on mobile device I’m catching the log messages from directive in Eclipse’s LogCat. With this code I get only 1 log message per dragging while in browser it works as expected with multiple log messages.
I’ve tried to replace <ion-content> with <ion-pane> but I get the same result. It seems to me like some mechanism is blocking or preventing drag gesture event.
If I remove scroll="false" then drag event is working normally on mobile device (I got multiple log messages). But then I have scroll element which I don’t need on my homepage and which is interfering with vertical drags that I want to have on my elements.
Has anyone encountered with this kind of behavior? Have I forgot something to initialize for gestures on mobile devices? Does the class "disable-user-behavior" which is added by hammer.js prevent dragging on mobile device?
The mobile device which I use for developing is LG E440 with Android version 4.1.2. Please help me because I’m getting pretty desperate after going in circles for few days now. Thanks.

I have tried the same code on Sony Xperia U with Android version 4.0.4 and everything works properly. I guess this issue is related to mobile device or Android version.

It’s broken on HTC One Android 4.4.2

Not working for ionic view for iphone… is there any update? here’s my code, what went wrong?

  var startX=0,startY=0
  var endX = 0, endY = 0
  var x=10,y=10

    // 'position': 'relative',
    'position': 'absolute',
    'border-color': 'blue',
    'border-style': 'solid',
    'border-top-width': '100px',
    'border-right-width': '2px',
    'border-bottom-width': '100px',
    'border-left-width': '2px',
    'cursor': 'pointer',
    'z-index': '100'

  var dragGes = $ionicGesture.on('drag',dragFn,element)
  function dragFn(event){
    endX = event.gesture.center.pageX - x
      left: endX + 'px'