Drag content child view make a blank screen on iOS 8

Hey all,

I have problem with ionic v1.0.0-rc.4 on iOS 8,
This is my state code

  .state('menu', {
    url: '/MenuView',
    cache: false,
    templateUrl: 'views/MenuView.html',
    controller: 'MenuCtrl'
  .state('menu.trend', { 
    url: '/TrendView',
    cache: false,
    views: {
        menuContent :{
          templateUrl: "views/TrendView.html",
          controller: 'TrendCtrl'

The problem is when i drag a content in the child view, the content is missing,
and become a blank screen like the image below. The problem only happen on iOS, i try on my android device, is just fine.

Could anyone help me for this problemm? Thank you very much

i have solved this issue,
i change the value of attribute can-swipe-back="false

Thank you