Does html5 App cache work with Ionic and AngularJS?

Hey guys. I’m trying to make an app which syncs content (tabs/partial pages using Angular route) when offline and loads from the cached files when offline. So i can’t use angular’s cache as it is not permanent, but i need to somehow cache those partial files. Any idea how to do it ? Include what in the manifest, where to declare it, etc.

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You can use localstorage, or lawnchair

Google Search for Angular Local Storage

Local storage seems to be what people have been using, as it’s simple and loads a bit faster.

Yeah well…but that bring up other problems like having to manually sync and replace when connected.


Check out this article.

I guess app cache can work, but it seems a bit finicky.

Hope this helps

Ok i kinda solved this. I used html5 cache. All i needed to do is include the tag in my index.html file on the web server. in my ionic app i only have an index.html which redirects me to my web sever index.html. It seems to cache everything, including the js ionic framework, and all dependencies needed. That’s exactly what i needed, although i will use it only for cache-ing templates directory, i will set js’s to NETWORK* since they won’t change. Now my app is completely independent and i can change pages content from the web server by modifying angular templates . This is awesome : )

This is possible if you publish the app on the App store and Play Store?
Could you please elaborate on this a little bit? I have an open question about this on stackoverflow.