What if I want to disable a button based on a condition inside the side menu? The condition needed to check will be available only after I login to the application. In the app.component.ts I’m defining my pages like
this.pages = [
title: "a",
component: aPage,
src: "..",
}, ......, {}
And in my app.html I’m using ngFor inside a button to loop through the pages to display like
<ion-menu [content]="content side="right persistent="true" (ionOpen)="openMenu()">
*ngFor="let p of pages"
I want to disable a button based on a condition hot to do that ?
Here is some code I had in an Ionic 3 app hope it helps
//Pages navigaton Array
this.leftPages = [
{ title: 'Home', component: "HomePage", category: "" },
{ title: 'All Categories', component: "CategoriesPage", category: "" },
{ title: 'Shopping Cart', component: "ShoppingCartPage", category: "" },
{ title: 'Account', component: "AccountPage", category: "" },
{ title: 'Shopping Lists', component: "ShoppingListPage", category: "" },
{ title: 'Order History', component: "OrderHistoryPage", category: "" },
{ title: 'Login', component: "LoginPage", category: "" },
{ title: 'Help', component: "HelpPage", category: "" },
this.activePage = this.leftPages[0];
// Navigate via code
this.nav.setRoot(page.component, category);
this.activePage = page;
//Check for the active page
checkActive(page) {
return page == this.activePage;
<button ion-item menuClose="main-menu-left" *ngFor="let leftpage of leftPages"
[class.activeHighlight]="checkActive(leftpage)" (click)="openPage(leftpage)">
In this you’re highlighting the page which is currently active right? What I want to accomplish is , could you please check this link? I think here I’ve explained in a bit more detail.
My strategy would be to create a provider/service that exposes an observable specifically a BehaviorSubject
// Imports here
import ....
// The initial value of the this observable be an empty string
highlightState = new BehaviorSubject('');
constructor( private storage: Storage)
this.storage.ready().then(() => {
// When storage is ready get the stored value and emit it as the next value
// I've used async here so that I can wait for the stored value to be available
async checkHighlight() {
return await this.storage.get('highlight')
.then((res) => {
if (res === null) {
// No previously stored highlight
} else {
// Emit the stored value
return this.highlightState.value;
Then in your app ts file you could get the value by calling the service in the initialize func but make sure that storage is ready
// This will get the latest value emitted and can be used in your menus
this.highlight = this.myHighligtService.getcurrentHighlight();
this.pages = [
title: "menu",
component: MenuPage,
src: "assets/imgs/grid.png",
this.highlight === "menu" ? "danger" : "light",
this.highlight === "menu"
? "item-md-danger"
: "",
isEnabled: true,
The reason I would use such a strategy is so that I can monitor the highlight incase a change of its status is initiated by any other page the user is visiting, this means any other page watching highlight will get the new status.
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