How can we run a IONIC 2 app as it is in a Structure without converting it to www/build folder.
For Ex:
I have structure which I want to keep in my application which can help on debugging things properly. So while doing ionic serve it doesn’t need minified any files and only convert all the TS to JS and Keep in the same folder like how a normal Angular 2 application does.
Personally, I prefer webpack. With the proper sourcemap settings, debugging is a breeze.
But webpack will not do the same thing which browserify is doing right now ? Its minifiying all JS to 1 single file, I am wondering not to minify anything.
So the current setup does not do any minification, rather transformation to es5 code.
I wouldn’t go about trying to change the build directory. If you’re worried about debugging, the default build provides sourcemaps so you can get a reference to the original code.
Ok, Its not doing any minification but combining all sources to 1 single File which I don’t need. Actually its hard to debug on a single file thats why if we make thing available where they actually are it will be better to debug .
Something is wrong with your build workflow. Definitely when using webpack (and also true for browserify according to @mhartington), it is possible to generate sourcemaps that will allow debuggers to know what source lines in what original files correspond to which bits of a generated bundle.