Using Ionic 3.19.0, I successfully deployed an app to the App Store and had it approved a couple of weeks ago.
But subsequent attempts to deploy later versions to Test Flight all end up showing that old UI. Later versions work fine on local simulations and on my iPhone connected to the Mac. I bump the version number in config.xml each time and run
ionic cordova build ios --release -prod
then archive.
Have spent a few days on it and am pulling out my hair. Which I can’t afford to do at my age.
In 99% of all cases the problem you describe is caused by people using Ionic Deploy in the background, which downloads the last published version from Ionic Pro servers on app start. If they forget to deploy the new version, or configure it incorrectly, they always see the old app.
Is Testflight correctly showing the new version and build numbers?
Is your app really this version when installed via Testflight? (There is an app list somewhere)
That sounds very possible. It would fit a symptom, which is that on a few occasions, after deploying through XCode, the correct version was visible until I backgrounded it, then the out of date version appeared.
I think I need to rewatch some of the excellent videos from Ionic.
I logged onto my Ionic Dashboard and found the latest build, then deployed it.
Then as soon as I went back to Test Flight on my phone, that version of the app was visible. Previously some magic had fetched an old version from Ionic that I had forgotten about. Cost me days, my fault, but costly.