i implemented the deploy service to my ionic app (i am using ionic 1) and it is working fine, now i want to show the users the time remaining for the download or maybe a progress bar so they do not think that the app is freezing. below is the function of the deploy
var deployFunction = function() {
if (snapshotAvailable) {
// When snapshotAvailable is true, you can apply the snapshot
MainService.startSpinner("Downloading Updates");//this shows a loading image indicating that the download started
//applying the snapshot
function() {
}, function(error) {
console.log("ERROR EXTRACT "+error);
// Error extracting
}, function(progress) {
// progress of extracting
console.log('extraction progress '+progress);
}, function(error){
//download error
console.log("ERROR Downloading "+error);
}, function(progress) {
//download progress
console.log('download progress '+progress);
i’ve read somewhere that the progress function should return an integer… but it is not and i have no idea how to get information about the download beside that it is started or it is finished. any help would be appreciated