CSS is not showing in Chrome after Ionic serve

Respected Ionic community,

I updated Node from 6 to Node 10 version and after update my each and every project got error of SASS so I searched about it and fixed it with this command npm rebuild node-sass --force .

Now when I do ionic serve then there is no css or classes in inspect and live reload also not working means I’ve to serve the app again to see changes. Strange thing is when I disconnect ionic serve then CSS appears.
Don’t know what’s happening Please help me out my development speed is effected by this problem.

Same problem here (and others related to ionic serve, for example , any/both images or fonts not showing on chrome)

Did you find the solution?


Yes this cause because of node modules version is not compatible with ionic version. I was trying to update ionic 3 to ionic 4. node 6 and 8 version are stable as per my information. node 10 and onwards, is good with ionic 4

You need to keep nodes compatible with ionic server version.

In my case I had to face ERR_CACHE_MISS error due to CSS.
Some time it happens that HTTP resources are not served from HTTP sources linked.

But can you generate log file so we can deep check the issue since many people have seen this issue.