Crosswalk with Phonegap Build?

As of now, I have been using the Phonegap Build service to build my Ionic mobile app, since it lets me upload the project and builds for Android, iOS and Windows Phone all in one go. Very handy since I’m using a Windows machine and it would be impossible to build for iOS without it!

Just wondering, is it possible to add the Crosswalk browser/webview to my project and still have it built using the Phonegap Build service? If not, will it ever be possible?


At the moment, I won’t be possible. Since we are modifying the native android project, it needs to be built locally at the moment.

What you could do is build the android apk locally and build the ios ipa through PGB.

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Thanks for the reply! Good idea, I’ll give it a go! @mhartington

I have Cordova version 4.1.2 installed. I’ve seen from others that Crosswalk apparently doesn’t work on new version of Cordova, is that still the case?

Would be really awesome to use Crosswalk and still push it through Phonegap build.
Android is really a pain!

Well again, the issue would be on phonegap builds side of things.