Crosswalk Integration Beta in Ionic CLI (v1.3.2)

I am having a problem when uploading the two apks to the Play Store.
It seems that both APKS have the same list of allowed architectures:

arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, mips, mips64, x86, x86_64

Which creates an error on the publication of the app on the store.
Also I have set in config.xml minSDKVersion = 19, but both APKS shows in the store with minSKD=14.

Any idea how to fix these problems?

My ionic info:
Cordova CLI: 5.1.1
Ionic Version: 1.0.1
Ionic CLI Version: 1.5.5
Ionic App Lib Version: 0.2.2
ios-deploy version: Not installed
ios-sim version: 3.1.1
OS: Mac OS X Yosemite
Node Version: v0.12.5
Xcode version: Xcode 6.4 Build version 6E35b


Oh Wellā€¦ I Tried to install crosswalk on my APP to improve my appā€™s performanceā€¦
Well it didnā€™t go well, my app wasnā€™t opening, even with the armv7-debug file , on my android 4.4.2 device.

So I give up.
Iā€™ve used the command

ionic browser rm crosswalk

butā€¦ it didnā€™t remove.
So I decided to remove the platform android and add again .
Well my app runā€¦ But not like beforeā€¦
Tons of errors, my states controllers donā€™t load correctly.
Even my older versions was affected with the same errors and problems, maybe something happened with my android device by installing crosswalk on my projectā€¦
Anyone pass thought this problem?

Same problem here. It used to work but I think that something changed on the SDK or NDK side with the introduction of 64 bit architectures and everything screwed up.

Any ideas on how to actually target architectures (eg as it used to be: just x86 and arm)?

I have a problem that seems different.
I did release crosswalk, separate x86 and ARMv7, but when risen to Google Play.
The version 104 022 is not available for any device configuration: all devices that can receive 104,022 would receive a version of the versions 104,024.
Theoretically the ARMv7 was 104,022, and 104,024 is x86, but the two in detail shows in native platforms like arm64-V8A, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64.
I will try reinstalling the crosswalk to rebuild

I had the same Problem, there is one thing missing in the docs:

To use crosswalk it is absolutely necessary to add the Network-Information Plugin!

just run this in your ionic cli

ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-network-information

After that my app opened again

how to stop this? where i can change this?

When iā€™m building my app iā€™m getting two .apk files on default. one armv7 and one x86 however i need to build a single apk bundling both together even if the size gets big.

I tried setting BUILD_MULTIPLE_APKS = false but itā€™s still building two separate apks. Anyone know how to resolve this issue?

I saw a post earlier saying :

But i donā€™t have any file in my platforms/android/ folder, i have a file and there is no cdvBuildMultipleApks=true line in it to comment out.

I tried to manually create a file and putting cdvBuildMultipleApks=false in there but still two outputs.

The actual variable name is ext.cdvBuildMultipleApks. Iā€™ve only tried this with the latest Cordova CLI, but one way that worked for me was to create a file named build-extras.gradle (in platforms/android) which contains the line ext.cdvBuildMultipleApks=false

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This indeed worked for me to create a single combined apk. Iā€™m running Cordova 5.1.1.

Thank you bale :smile:


It seems the Crosswalk build now generates separate APKs by default. Iā€™m not sure how to use them separately. Isnā€™t there a way to have just one that would serve different architectures?


Thereā€™s now a field in config.xml that you can change to build a single APK.

Look for:
<preference name="xwalkMultipleApk" value="true" />

Set the value to false

Im having a problem about running the crosswalkā€¦ the outputted ARM7 and x86 is not running properly on the deviceā€¦

Thatā€™s annoying having to do that every time you do a ā€œrunā€, however itā€™s easy to fix:

Ionic run android does not install app in device

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Did you find a fix eventually? iā€™ve beeeen looking everywhere no oneā€™s giving a solid answer that actually works. Thank you.


i came across this error recently,

My particular problem was due to old version of crosswalk and android, so uninstall and reinstall crosswalk, and then update cordova and android(cordova platform update android.)

This problem also occurs when multiple plugins have conflicts with some libararies, so if it does work, you might want to remove some and see if it works.

Thank you man, i did as you advised. I uninstalled android, re-installed it along with crosswalk. And after playing around with removing plugins it all worked. I had to replace the cordova facebook phonegab plugin with ā€œcordova-plugin-facebook4 1.7.2ā€. I also removed this plugin cordova-plugin-android-support-v13-jar.(added it yesterday while trying to fix my problem). Thanks again.

Hey @mhartington as far as i have researched i guess crosswalk works good for android 4.x devices and we dont need them in 5.x and 6.x devices so i have a question can we make the application in such a way so that if the user has 5.x devices or 6.x devices then a project without crosswalk will be downloaded and for version 4.x the crosswalk one will be downloaded. I am mainly concerned about the size right now cause my apk without crosswalk is 7 mb and with crosswalk is 30 Mb and the performance lag still there in crosswalk as it takes around 15 sec for the splash screen on my 4.3 android device which is very irritating, and after that its also performing slowly.

Correct me if i am wrong

Yes, you can use minSdkVersion for that.
I build crosswalk enabled apps for < 5.0 and native for >=5.0

Hey what do you mean by native in here you mean the native android development or you mean the android without crosswalk i was thinking of adding maxversion to 22 for crosswalk and for the one without crosswalk i will add minsdk version to 23 i guess if it is for android 5.x+

Am i doing the right thing please suggest

sorry, I mean with crosswalk and without crosswalk (not really native)