Credit Card payment Application

Hi Frinds,

I am starting with ionic and I need to implement an application to use credit card payment method. Do you have any clue about it? Is there a plugin that I can use? Do you have some experiencese working with credit card payments?
Regards from Argentina.


There are a lot of libraries and payment processors out there, in my experience the absolute best is Stripe.

Stripe is awesome because the pricing is the same as the rest of the market of processors, they handle all the credit card details, and even have an embeddable form. It’s just so easy to work with them! They have a whole javascript library as well, which means it works really well in an app like yours.

There are about 6 angularjs implementations of their library but this one seems to be one of the most updated (last update was about three weeks ago).

I hope this gets you in the right direction!

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Thanks for your reply, I am going to take a look into stripe.
I am thinking that maybe it wont be complete helpfull since I need to use (also) some credit cards from Argentina, and other payments methods like MercadoPago.


Could you integrate MercadoPago into your ionic app?

Hi Fede,

did you implemented the payment method with stripe? Can you tell us your experience with them?


Hi everybody,

if anyone is still interested please check this url for integration

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My question (which I would think it would be a common one) is how to access an external mounted card scanner device (Card Swiper similar to square or one of the other providers, emv etc) and process payment using that then passing confirmation back into the ionic app.

So, for example, a person is going to take a creditcard for payment and rather than manually entering all the credit card data in a form, you tap a button that initiates a call to a credit card reader/swiper that is attached to the device. Then once the card is swiped/inserted, the credit card data is either processed by third party (like square or something) or passed back into the ionic app to pass to processing service.

Is there a way to accomplish this?

Hi everyone, currently I’m going to make some test with this plugin (BETA) - The people of Mercadolibre / Mercado Pago says that his platform and API is completly easy to configure, but the next days I’ll to prove this because, i have serious doubts about the compatibility with IOS. I hope that works fine, if not, i have to try with payu… cooming soon I will give some feedback of this.

Hi @brodriguezs
Have you been able to integrate mercadopago in Ionic2 ? how did it go?

Hello, Did you try ?

Hi everyone… basically I use the basic checkout for the iconic app integration and I show for the user it in the same web view using inappbrowser plugin, simply passing the preference Id using a service from the backend and putting it in the url of the payment button, sending to the app the correspond preference created with the payments details in the mercadopago web admin tool. Ok… what???.. I don’t make the personalized checkout because implement it is most expensive at this moment because the server needs implement SSL and I will have to make a lot of changes not only in the back-end but also in the iconic app templating… however, obviously my team and me implement the APi services to access to the Mercado pago data, and for retrieve the payments received to persist the info in my server using the email of the payer. This was a problem by the way, because with the basic checkout tool the use some times not introduce the correct email registered in the app… it’s so crazy, no??? Jeje… nonetheless by the moment it’sgood solution for this proyect and the business model and the user type in my country (a lot of people that not use credit cards yet… :confused: )… ok this is all folks… and a lot of way to run… :stuck_out_tongue:

If someone is interested, there are two sample codes that can help you integrate Stripe in your Ionic app:

Ionic 1.x

Ionic 2.x

And here is a Starter Kit to setup your own NodeJS Stripe Payment Server: