I am trying to create a new directive in order to swipeUp objects, so like onSwipeUp="doThisFunction()"
Here is a post where other people want to do the same :
Here is my app.module.ts
import { SwipeVertical } from '../directives/swipe-vertical.directive';
declarations: [
Here my home.ts
import { SwipeVertical } from "../../directives/swipe-vertical.directive.ts";
selector: 'page-home',
templateUrl: 'home.html',
And in home.html I will use :
<img class="imgUser" (onSwipeUp)="getLike(user, $event)" [src]="user.imgLink">
My code is the same as in this plunker, but I think his code is a bit oudated … : Plunker - Ionic 2 - swipe vertical directive
There are no errors, but the directive (onSwipeUp) is not working …
Maybe add a section like this ? :
host: {
"[onSwipeUp]": "SwipeUp"
Thank you very much for your help ! I appreciate it