Could not launch './qemu/windows-x86_64/qemu-system-i386.exe': No such file or directory

when ever i’m running ionic emulate android it showing me the below and system gets stucks…

Running command: “C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe” C:\Users\t\todo\hooks\after_prepare\010_add_platform_class.js C:/Users/t/todo
add to body class: platform-android
Running command: cmd "/s /c “C:\Users\t\todo\platforms\android\cordova\run.bat --emulator”"
JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_79
WARNING : no emulator specified, defaulting to Nexus_5_API_23_x86
Waiting for emulator…
Could not launch ‘./qemu/windows-x86_64/qemu-system-i386.exe’: No such file or directory

Can any one suggest me whats this problem about?
Any help…