Hi there,
I’m trying to user some cordova plugins in the app and its been very frustrating, trying to get facebook sign in but I noticed that any other plugin I try to install is not available on device too.
So if I do
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-statusbar
It seems to work ok, installation completes and its added to plugins directory, cordova build android works and when I do phonegap build and install application on my device only four plugins I always get are
- push plugin
- background-mode
- local-notification
- device
And those are available either on windiws.plugins
All of the plugins I tried to install are not there and it always fails somewhere inside ngCordova wrapper saying actual plugin is undefined.
Btw I went through ngCordova most common mistake and did all that but nothing helped and all calls are in ionicPlatformReady.
Thank you in advance for all suggestions