I’ve been using this plugin to do video compression and it works fine for most cases. However, on some phones, notably Huawei and Xiaomi, it fails to compress video with the error:
Non-baseline AVC video profile is not supported by Android OS, actual profile_idc: 100
Q) Is there any simple/obvious way to fix this, or can someone point me to a fork that is up-to-date that fixes this problem?
I can point you to a fairly long issue discussion on the topic that contains references to a fork, but I don’t have any more information as to its efficacy.
Thanks for that.
Unfortunately I’d already read through that, so now we have an infinite loop 
I am going to try some other forks and if I get something that works, I will answer my own question.
Pretty amazing that this isn’t fixed.
Same issue here. Has anyone found solution or workaround? Video file that will work on one device, will fail on another so it suggests an encoding related issue.
I’ve ended up using this fork. Spoke with the dev and this version doesn’t exhibit that issue and doesn’t have any obvious defects that I’ve found.
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