Cordova GoogleMap doesn't work on andriod 5.1.1

I’ve developed the Google map with Ionic 2.
The app features are getting current position ( using Geolocation ), sending position data to server and displaying geolocaion data from server using Google map plugin.
I installed Geolocation and Google map related plugins.

And I tested real device, the app is fine on android version 4.4.2, but it doesn’t work on android version 5.1.1
It only showed Google logo in the bottom of the map, and showed blank screen on 5.1.1
Getting Geolocation data, if the location feature is turn off on the device, the app go to location setting page of the app and the user turn on the location feature.
After that the app is getting the Geolocation data.
At this step, getting Geolocation data is success on android 4.4.2, but it could not get Geolocation data on android 5.1.1
How can I fix this?