Hi guys.
I am trying to make Cordova GeoLocation plugin to work with Ionic on iOS 10 and tried every single suggestion I could find in this forum, but nothing seems to resolve my problem.
The code I am trying to run can be found in my GitHub. It’s based on a tutorial from @Gajotres.
When I run the code in the browser or in the Ionic View App, everything works fine. But when I try to deploy the exactly same code on my iPhone 6 (iOS 10) with Xcode, no gps position is returned. Based on the Xcode logs (details below), apparently, the $ionicPlatform.ready()
function is not even being executed.
What I’ve tried so far (nothing worked):
- Whitelist setup on index.html (Content-Security-Policy meta tag) and config.xml files;
- Removed iOS platform from Cordova and added it again;
- Updated Node.js to the latest stable version (6.6.0);
- Reinstalled all the Cordova plugins;
- Started my project from scratch;
- Manually added NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription and NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription tags in the info.plist file;
- Configured the Google Maps API key in the index.html file (this key is not set in the GitHub repository for obvious reasons);
- Double checked the plugins list in the config.xml file of my project’s root dir;
- Double checked the plugins list in the package.json file of my project’s root dir;
- Double checked the plugins list in the fetch.json file of my project’s plugin dir;
- Double checked the plugins list in the ios.json file of my project’s plugin dir;
- Double checked the geo-location plugin is called inside the
function; - Tested in the browser and in the Ionic View App (as I’ve already mentioned above);
Here are the logs from the Xcode console:
2016-10-01 14:51:07.713252 IonicGeolocation[1973:736983] DiskCookieStorage changing policy from 2 to 0, cookie file: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/55DCC1DC-518E-44AB-A5EE-B13A612A3A92/Library/Cookies/Cookies.binarycookies
2016-10-01 14:51:07.798503 IonicGeolocation[1973:736983] Apache Cordova native platform version 4.2.1 is starting.
2016-10-01 14:51:07.801641 IonicGeolocation[1973:736983] Multi-tasking -> Device: YES, App: YES
2016-10-01 14:51:07.939389 IonicGeolocation[1973:736983] Using UIWebView
2016-10-01 14:51:07.941566 IonicGeolocation[1973:736983] [CDVTimer][handleopenurl] 0.113010ms
2016-10-01 14:51:07.945461 IonicGeolocation[1973:736983] [CDVTimer][intentandnavigationfilter] 3.796995ms
2016-10-01 14:51:07.945656 IonicGeolocation[1973:736983] [CDVTimer][gesturehandler] 0.111997ms
2016-10-01 14:51:07.973740 IonicGeolocation[1973:736983] [CDVTimer][splashscreen] 28.012991ms
2016-10-01 14:51:07.987673 IonicGeolocation[1973:736983] [CDVTimer][statusbar] 13.790011ms
2016-10-01 14:51:07.989217 IonicGeolocation[1973:736983] [CDVTimer][keyboard] 1.411021ms
2016-10-01 14:51:07.989325 IonicGeolocation[1973:736983] [CDVTimer][TotalPluginStartup] 47.910988ms
2016-10-01 14:51:08.517934 IonicGeolocation[1973:736983] Resetting plugins due to page load.
2016-10-01 14:51:09.830225 IonicGeolocation[1973:736983] Finished load of: file:///var/containers/Bundle/Application/B66B4145-7BBF-4D30-8BDA-EBF959E9948C/IonicGeolocation.app/www/index.html
2016-10-01 14:51:18.070000 IonicGeolocation[1973:736983] THREAD WARNING: ['Device'] took '32.822998' ms. Plugin should use a background thread.
2016-10-01 14:51:18.600105 IonicGeolocation[1973:736983] deviceready has not fired after 5 seconds.
2016-10-01 14:51:18.600215 IonicGeolocation[1973:736983] Channel not fired: onCordovaInfoReady
Note 1: I could’t find any record indicating the GeoLocation plugin has started in the logs (check the “CDVTimer” lines above);
Note 2: It seems that the “device ready” event is not being fired;
Note 3: The device plugin has logged an warning (“Plugin should use a background thread.”);
This is my Cordova plugins list:
cordova-plugin-compat 1.0.0 "Compat"
cordova-plugin-console 1.0.4 "Console"
cordova-plugin-device 1.1.3 "Device"
cordova-plugin-geolocation 2.3.0 "Geolocation"
cordova-plugin-splashscreen 4.0.0 "Splashscreen"
cordova-plugin-statusbar 2.2.0 "StatusBar"
cordova-plugin-whitelist 1.3.0 "Whitelist"
ionic-plugin-keyboard 2.2.1 "Keyboard"
This is my Ionic environment (ionic info):
Cordova CLI: 6.3.1
Ionic Framework Version: 1.1.0
Ionic CLI Version: 2.0.0
Ionic App Lib Version: 2.0.0
ios-deploy version: 1.9.0
ios-sim version: 5.0.8
OS: Mac OS X El Capitan
Node Version: v6.6.0
Xcode version: Xcode 8.0 Build version 8A218a
Am I missing something? Any ideas?