Cordova/CDViewController.h file not found

Hi ionic friends,

I get the following error, if I would build and run the ios app. ‘Cordova/CDViewController.h’ file not found .
I use Codova 6.5.0 an Xcode 8.3.1
the header search Path looks

What ist wrong?

Uh, it sucks when it doesn’t just build in XCode.

Did you do any manual changes on the generated stuff in /platforms/ios?
If not, just remove the ios platform (make sure the folder is gone) and add it again so it gets regenerated. Quite often this solves all problem in there.

Hi, I trieded this two solutions before, but it doesn’t work. Also the same problem.

What 2 solutions? I posted only one…

What did you try?
Did you build an app successfully before?