Simple ionic 2 app with multiple ion-textarea on same page.
“ion-textarea class=‘textAreaInput’ rows=‘3’ id=‘forumMonth’ [(ngModel)]=‘updateData.A3’ (change)=‘elementChanged()’ placeholder=‘Type here…’ tabindex=‘2’></ion-textarea”
Testing on iPhone 6.
copy paste simply does not work. The copy/paste options never appear even after a long press.
Also, it is not possible to position the cursor in the middle of the text.
For example, if the user types: “one two four” and then wants to move the cursor back to add “three” there is no way to do so.
Adding these does not help:
user-select: text !important;
-moz-user-select: text !important;
-webkit-user-select: text !important;
-ms-user-select: text !important;