Hi all,
I would like to configure firebase in my ionic project.
I do not understand how to configure it.
Can you help me?
Thanks @AaronSterling.
Does this also include firebase real time database?
What is the best editor for writing the code?
Why do you want the realtime database? When Firestore leaves beta, it will be the main Firebase product.
For my application I need a database. So there is no firebase real time database?
They are actually keeping Firebase real-time active (according to Google bloggers) but having used Firestore quite a bit already, Firestore is a better product imo. Easier, more intuitive after a little practice, and more effective.
I’d make the switch if I were you. They may intend on keeping Firebase active, but I don’t know if there will actually be much reason to once people start making the change.
Firestore is a database, and a “better” one in comparison to Firebase in this guy’s opinion.
Firestore is in angularfire? Right?
I should create a REST service. I usually write in PHP but now I would like to use a noSQL DB. Do I have to use nodejs to get the data back to me in JSON?
Firestore is just Firestore. Angularfire is a helper for Firebase only (as far as I know)
There’s no need to do much more than set up your app in the Firebase Console and import Firestore to your project. You’ll find directions easily by googling it, going to the official Firebase / Firestore docs.
After that, have at it. It does the hard work for you
As of a very recent version, it defaults to Firestore now. There’s also a not-yet-published version that incorporates part of the the Firebase Storage api. So it looks as though Firestore and Firebase Storage will be the main two products.
Good to hear. It’ll be nice to see some attention paid to Storage. Also good to see Data and Storage aligned a bit, with the process of emptying collections similar to emptying Storage folders. I like it. Thanks for the heads up
That’s good. So far, Firestore is a far superior product than Firebase in my opinion
@Ibernato93, I use Visual Studio Code.