Conditional rootPage

I would like my entry page to be conditional. So based of a condition(a value stored in sqllite) the root page would either go to page 1 or page 2:

class MyApp {
constructor(app: IonicApp, platform: Platform) {

// set up our app = app;
this.platform = platform;

this.platform.ready().then(() => { = new Storage(SqlStorage);'some_condition').then((condition) => {

        this.rootPage = Page1;
        //stay on login page
this.rootPage = Page2;


try this:
let self = this;ā€˜some_conditionā€™).then((condition) => {
self.rootPage = Page1;
//stay on login page
**self.**rootPage = Page2;

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Didnā€™t work. I am not sure how this is any different then my code. Self still points at this, not sure what is different at all?

Have you tried using the NavController? After importing it and injecting it you could use:



ā€œthisā€ is different inside ā€œthen(function)ā€ ā€¦
If you are trying this app on browser it wonā€™t work because of this.platform.ready works only on android or ios device. you should write it in construct or inside ngOnInit()

@Ashurbeyli did you get your conditional root page to work?

Yes, this is what I wrote:

> let self = this;
>         auth.loadUserCredentials(function(){
>           if(auth.isAuthenticated){
>             self.isAuthenticated = auth.isAuthenticated;
>             self.userData = auth.userData;
>             self.rootPage = HomePage
>           }else{
>             self.isAuthenticated = auth.isAuthenticated;
>             self.rootPage = AuthorizationPage
>           }
>         })

and in app.html

<ion-nav id="nav" [root]="rootPage" #content swipe-back-enabled="false"></ion-nav>

Hmm, Iā€™ve been trying something almost identical but it hasnā€™t worked for me yet. Thanks.

O have tried this on an Android device and it has not worked.

@richardshergold, @polska03, have you found any solution that worked for you ?

Hey guys,

just sharing what iā€™ve done. It is working with the beta-9.

in app.ts, my constructor looks like:

  rootPage: any;
  pages: Array<{title: string, component: any}>;

    private platform: Platform,
    private menu: MenuController,
    private authService: AuthService
  ) {
    this.authService.isUserLoggedIn().forEach(isUserLoggedIn => {
      console.log("is user logged in? " + isUserLoggedIn);
      this.rootPage = isUserLoggedIn ? HelloIonicPage : ListPage;


AuthService is just a simple service that iā€™ve made myself. authService.isUserLoggedIn returns an Observable.

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Hey folks

Iā€™m struggling with the same issue (FYI: Iā€™m new to Ionic v2, so please be gentle ;-)). Within the constructor of the main component (using ionicBootstrap to initialize the app) I try to set the rootPage based on condition. The condition is met for sure, I verified by logs. Hereā€™s the simplified code:

export class MyApp {
rootPage: any;

constructor(public platform: Platform) {
    let self = this;

    platform.ready().then(() => {
        if (true) {
            self.rootPage = LoginPage;
        } else {
            self.rootPage = HomePage;

ionicBootstrap(MyApp, null, {
mode: 'md'

Any idea where the problem is? Very much appreciated, thanks.

As a side note, in Typescript when you use the fat arrows (i.e. =>) you donā€™t need to do the whole let self = this; trick. Fat arrows will automagically do that for you. Which is to say, you can safely use this inside of fat arrow functions.

As for the question presented, this is just a guess but perhaps you canā€™t set the rootPage inside of platform ready callback? This is just a guess based off of my code, which doesnā€™t set it inside of the platform ready callback.

Thanks for the sidenote and your thoughts. Itā€™s actually working when putting it outside of the platform ready callback. Unfortunately, Iā€™ve the wait for a plugin which decides where to navigate to. Will keep you posted.

Very strange. It seems to work fine for me when I set the rootPage in the callback.

Does it work if you call setRoot on the Nav element?

You can do that by adding:

@ViewChild(Nav) nav: Nav;

then inside of the callback doing


Excellent, @SigmundFroyd, thanks! The solution with using ViewChild and setRoot is working fine. Although I had to use self = this, the reference of this was being changed within the callback.

I think the best way is to generate a third page which will redirect to one or other

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I want to change root page then i just tried this couple of lines. :
from page x to dashboard(side menu main page ):


Hi, I got multiple conditional rootPages, I tried both above, both got some issue.

export class MyApp {
rootPage: any = null;

constructor(public platform: Platform) {

    platform.ready().then(() => {
        switch (condition) {
          case xxx:
            this.rootPage = LoginPage;
          case yyy:
            this.rootPage = HomePage;
          // ....

In this way, I got blank first screen occasionally, app got resumed after several reboot. I inspected the page, there was no rootPage under ion-nav which told me rootPage was not successfully set, sometimes.

And I also tried using navCtrl.setRoot(whichPage), the blank first screen gone, the the bottom tool bar lost response for HomePage which used a toolbar in the bottom of screen, quite weird.

Any idea?

Iā€™m on ionic 3.6 and cli 3.7, iOS 10

Is there any reason you wait for platform.ready()?
I have a similar case for my app ( and it works without problems.

I show an IntroPage if itā€™s the first time the user opens the app -> if not i show the HomePage

// app.component.ts
constructor() {

const skipIntro = localStorage.getItem('skipIntro');
      if (skipIntro) {
        this.rootPage = HomePage;
      } else {
        this.rootPage = IntroPage;
        localStorage.setItem('skipIntro', 'true');

// platform ready stuff 
// ...
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