Clickable list from firebase

Okay, so I’m trying to fetch data from firebase and display it on ionic as a list. I want the list to be clickable and will show me what’s inside the selected item. I clicked on the first item on the list and it showed me what I wanted to see. But for some reason, when I clicked on the second item it showed me the “thing” that is inside the first item.


This is my modal.

export interface ShortItem{
	$key?: string;
	itemNameS: string;
	itemNameS1: string;

This is my code to call the list. StoryTitle.html

<ion-list style="background-image: url('assets/verse.jpg'); background-size: cover; border-radius: 25px;">
    <button ion-item style="font-size: 20px;" class="opacity" *ngFor="let item of ShortRef$ | async" (click)="getNote()">{{item.itemNameS}}</button>

This is how I call what’s inside the selected item.

<ion-card text-wrap style="background-image: url('assets/verse.jpg'); background-size: cover; border-radius: 25px;">
    <ion-card-content *ngFor="let item of ShortRef$ | async">
      <div style="font-size: 17px;">{{item.itemNameS1}}</div>

I just want to click the selected item and show me what’s inside it. I hope I discussed my problem clearly.

Can you show what your getNote() function does?

Oh it’s to go to another page when you clicked the button.
