Chrome Devtools 404 with android webview 68

today my phone updated the android webview to version 68.
Now i am no longer able to use the inspect feature from chrome devtools (remote device).
It shows an HTTP 404 error.

Using another phone with webview 67 still works.

Does anyone has the same problem?
How can i solve this without downgrading the webview component?


// edit
downgrading works:

  • remove all app updates for android webview
  • reboot
  • install latest 67 version from apkmirror
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Same issue here, Iā€™m about to try downgrading. :neutral_face:

// edit, indeed downgrading works

Facing similar issue. My App is crashing after I try to login giving :] Cannot start http server for devtools. Stop devtools.
07-25 16:19:03.066 20194-20304/ E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: pool-4-thread-1