Check box not working properly after iOS 9 update


        <label class="item item-radio" ng-repeat="x in listOfCountries | filter : searchText | orderBy : 'x'">
            <input type="checkbox" ng-model="x.selected" />
            <div class="item-content">
                <p>{{ x.country_name }}</p>
            <i class="radio-icon ion-checkmark"></i>

I am using above code for selecting multiple options in a list. But when I select an option the tick mark is not appearing and it is getting displayed only after the list is scrolled up and down. Please suggest a fix. Thanks in Advance

there were some breaking changes in ios 9. have you seen max’s blog post? It has some fixes.

Yes I have seen it, but I couldn’t find a fix there. There was a fix regarding “ion-radio” but I am not using it. I am using check-box. It is working fine in iOS 7,8 but not working in iOS 9.

Can anybody please update on this issue if there is a solution or not. I have tried in different ways but couldn’t find the answer.

I’m having the same problem. Anyone?

same here, only in iOS 9, but it does not happne all the time.

As you can see in the ion-radio fix here the solution is a change in css for class item-radio. You are using this same class also.
Try if you can apply this css and see if it solves your issue.

@Shore Did you try modifying the css?

According to this solution you should replace your code

<label class="item item-radio" ng-repeat="x in listOfCountries | filter : searchText | orderBy : 'x'">
    <input type="checkbox" ng-model="x.selected" />
    <div class="item-content">
         <p>{{ x.country_name }}</p>
    <i class="radio-icon ion-checkmark"></i>

With this one

<label class="item item-radio" ng-repeat="x in listOfCountries | filter : searchText | orderBy : 'x'">
    <input type="checkbox" ng-model="x.selected" />
    <div class="radio-content">
        <div class="item-content disable-pointer-events">
             <p>{{ x.country_name }}</p>
        <i class="radio-icon disable-pointer-events ion-checkmark"></i>

Yeah its working fine. Thanks @CAMOBAP :smile: