Chat app display

I am new to programming and I am running into some trouble creating a little chat app. I want the messages displayed similar to facebook messenger. So far this is what I go.


<ion-item *ngFor=“let chat of chats$ | async” lines=‘none’>

    <ion-badge color="warning"
    [attr.slot]="chat.senderId == currentUserId ? 'end' : 'start'"
    <ion-note color="medium"
      >{{chat.createdDate | date: 'shortTime' }} <ion-icon name="checkmark-done-circle-outline"></ion-icon></ion-note


Thank you.

I don’t see a question here

I was asking how to display the messages like Facebook messenger or whatsapp.

So basically you want that someone posts a complete code? That’s not really what you should ask for. Better as for specific topic or problems you have while developing this by your own

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No, that is not what I was asking for. I have already completed all of the backend codes. I just encountered a little problem effectively displaying the messages on the HTML page as shown on my first post.
But thank you for your contribution.

Here is the solution to my problem. Thanks.

bro what libraries did you use? i have to imlplement a chat with text and audio in an ionic-angular app