Is there a way to change the alert label text for a ion-select instead of using the text inside the ion-option?
For example, suppose I have this array:
let opts = [
{text: 'Key1', value: 1, abbreviation: 'K1'},
{text: 'Key2', value: 2, abbreviation: 'K2'},
{text: 'Key3', value: 3, abbreviation: 'K3'},
{text: 'Key4', value: 4, abbreviation: 'K4'},
{text: 'Key5', value: 5, abbreviation: 'K5'},
{text: 'Key6', value: 6, abbreviation: 'K6'},
{text: 'Key7', value: 7, abbreviation: 'K7'},
{text: 'Key8', value: 8, abbreviation: 'K8'},
{text: 'Key9', value: 9, abbreviation: 'K9'}
And this HTML
<ion-option *ngFor='let opt in options' [value]='opt'>{{opt.abbreviation}}</ion-option>
This will have a select with options showing their abbreviation. When I click on the select, an alert will open with radio options with their label text being the abbreviation. In this example, is there a way to have the alert radio option labels show the text value instead of the abbreviation value?