Catching Crashes

Hello, I’ve user reviews on play store saying my app crashes but I don’t get any crash reports on admin screen (Google Play Console), I can guess why but my question is, do we have a native plugin that catches all the crashes and reports, developed for Ionic?

I think camera plugin crashes although I follow best practices, but it could also be resolveLocalFileSystemURL or maybe the cache was full with all the base64 images…

I guess these problems are hard to debug because my test devices don’t crash, neither my friends’.

What are the best practices? Do you have any idea what I should be doing?

What do you mean by that?

I used to use HockeyApp. They have a pretty good Cordova plugin, but needed manual changes in the iOS and Android project back in the day. I don’t know the current state.

I updated to make it clearer, I meant the Google Play Console.

cool thanks I will check it out!