Card is not scrollable

I have an ionic card. And there is only once card. It is big. But is is not scrollable. When I change the orientation to landscape half of the card will be hidden, and there is no way to scroll it.

<ion-content ng-controller="VideoCController">
  <div class="inset item-text-wrap">
          <div class="video-container">
              <iframe ng-src="{{getIframeSrc(video.yt_id)}}" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315" allowfullscreen></iframe>
          <h3>Lenght {{video.yt_length * 1000 | date:'mm:ss'}}</h3>
          <p>{{video.description | htmlToPlaintext}}</p>

I can’t see the card class in your markup? And if you are using iframes, there will be some issues with the scrolling. Even i faced it in one of the app i was working long ago. But try using the card class and see whether is it scrollable or not.