CapacitorJs new build iOS status bar

How can I configure CapacitorJs app on iOS to not sit under the status bar?

Without the statusbar official plugin, on iOS the top status bar sits on top of the app, and there is a black bar at the bottom.

But the same is true with the plug-in installed.

With Cordova the status bar plugin could be configured in the config XML… But how can this be done in Cordova?

This is what is happening right now.

I am quite new to xcode but did land a page about constrained views - however, in my xcode with this capacitorjs app the constrained views on the storyboard are greyed out:

answered here swift - ios xcode capacitorjs storyboard constraint to stop status bar hanging over the top of the webview - Stack Overflow

thanks - i’m still having issues with this topic.

threw together a demo github repo - see the giffy: GitHub - j-d-carmichael/capacitor-demo