Capacitor PushNotifications not working in Android


I have an Ionic 4 app using the capacitor pushnotification plugin working perfectly when the app is in foreground. I can receive all pushes correcly which means the device is correcly registered and reachable from GCM.

But When the app is closed, sending the same push message is not received by the notification center. When I open the app after sending the push, I’m able to alert the push message sent before meaning the message is well received by the device. It’s like the push is correclty received by the device but the notification center just not catch/show it.

My environment:
OS: Android
Ionic 4
Push sender: Azure Notification Hub

I tried all type of Payload: notification/data/combination of both but without success.

PS: Using the phonegap/cordova push plugin works like a charm, I just want to remove all cordova dependencies from my project and use capacitor instead

Could it be related to some android app settings (AndroidManifest.xml)? Please drive me to the right direction :slight_smile:



Hi @DarkYoda did you find a resolution for this?