Capacitor: Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know

Originally published at: Capacitor: Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know - Ionic Blog

Capacitor makes it possible for any web developer to build native iOS, Android, Desktop, and Progressive Web Apps, all with a single standard web codebase. Created in 2018 by us, the team behind Ionic, Capacitor was built initially to replace Cordova as the de facto tool that web developers use for mobile, and its role…


The config documentation says that it should not be used for production purposes, just for live reload. Is that still true?

We’re evolving our thinking there. Right now if you just throw a web app into the remote URL, it’s likely going to result in a poor UX and possibly app store approval issues because your app needs to have some kind of offline experience. However, it can be done, and we are thinking about how we can help people be more successful if they choose to go this route. Nothing tangible at the moment but if you are using this technique successfully in production we’d love to hear about it and what techniques you’re using!

So far we are not using it on prod, just experimenting. But we are looking for possibilities with iframes, as we don’t have other options yet.
I saw the recent post, talking about micro-frontends. It’s promising, but doesn’t fit yet on what we are looking for.
Let’s see what happens in the next months.

Hi - just started reading up on this so thanks for the 411 on Capacitor. If I have a payments iframe (often in the web-browser world, a company will embed another firm’s payments iframe to handle the credit card payment processing) and want to have a native mobile SDK (or equivalent functionality) that maintains feature and capability parity with the web version of the iframe (but uses native ui controls and NOT a webview of the hosted iFrame elsewhere), is there a framework that makes that possible or easier-ish? Does capacitor do this for me? Or Portals or … ?