I using Ionic2 beta.11.
private datetime:string = ‘2016-05-01’;
{{datetime| date:“y-MM-dd”}}
It don’t work in Safari only. thanks.
I using Ionic2 beta.11.
private datetime:string = ‘2016-05-01’;
{{datetime| date:“y-MM-dd”}}
It don’t work in Safari only. thanks.
Isn’t that an angular2 still open issue?
Thanks! I try in Angular2 RC.6. But It don’t work in Safari. It’s Angular2 bug…
Hi @rdlabo,
for a temp Solution put this:
<script src="https://cdn.polyfill.io/v2/polyfill.min.js?features=Intl.~locale.en"></script>
in your index.html
Yep I did it with polyfill too, but if you want to avoid network problem, you could include it in your app.
sudo npm install --save intl
Add import to app.ts
import ‘intl’;
import ‘intl/locale-data/jsonp/en’;
This should be Fixed with Ionic 2 RC
Do you mean adding polyfill will not be necessary anymore right?
Date pipes seems to be fix for Safari…but I face problems using them on iOS
I opened an issue:
I had the same problem too with ionic2 rc1. After applying the solution above, jit environment is fine, but AOT is still failing.
failing example:
{{ entry.value | currency:‘USD’:true:‘1.2-2’ }}
{{ item.expiryDate | date:‘MM/yy’}}
The Problem ist sloved with Ionic 2 RC 3. Please Update.