I try to build an android application with de facebook connect plugin :
I do exactly what the doc means : ngCordova
At this point :
android update project --subprojects --path "platforms/android" --target android-19 --library "CordovaLib"
I have this fail :
Updated project.properties
Updated local.properties
build.xml: Failed to find version-tag string. File must be updated.
In order to not erase potential customizations, the file will not be automatically regenerated.
If no changes have been made to the file, delete it manually and run the command again.
If you have made customizations to the build process, the file must be manually updated.
It is recommended to:
* Copy current file to a safe location.
* Delete original file.
* Run command again to generate a new file.
* Port customizations to the new file, by looking at the new rules file
located at <SDK>/tools/ant/build.xml
* Update file to contain
version-tag: custom
to prevent file from being rewritten automatically by the SDK tools.
Added file platforms/android/CordovaLib/proguard-project.txt
I used this plugin some times without problem but now i don’t know why I’m stuck,
I have a correct path with the sdk ( I can build my app without the plugin )
I tried :
If no changes have been made to the file, delete it manually and run the command again.
…without success !!
Please help !!!