Can't get rid of JIT after upgrade Angular7.2/Ionic 4 to Angular 10/Ionic5


I went through the upgrade steps as documented by and ionic, to move my Angular 7.2/Ionic 4 app to Angular 10/Ionic 5. Unfortunately, I still need to import '@angular/compiler'; in main.ts otherwise the browser console.log complains about compiler not present and the app does not run. So I am running JIT whereas the docs says it should be AOT - seemingly.

I tried to compare angular.json of a new a10/I5 project but cant see the key differences. main.ts is the same except for the import of the compiler.

How can I get rid of the angular compliler and truly run aot (even though it says aot:true)?

Steps I took to upgrade:

Go to Angular 8

  1. change tsconfig.json -> "module": "esnext",
  2. ng update @angular/cli@8 @angular/core@8
  3. As the routes are not migrated to dynamic imports, I run:
  4. ng update @angular/cli --from 7 --to 8 --migrate-only
  5. ng update @angular/core --from 7 --to 8 --migrate-only

Update latest Ionic 4 to see deprecated warnings:
6. npm i @ionic/angular@4.11.10 --save (coming from 4.1.0)

Get rid of security warnings:
7. npm audit fix (not earlier)

Go Ionic 5:
8. npm install @ionic/angular@latest @ionic/angular-toolkit@latest --save
9. Fix the breaking changes as per Ionic docs

EDIT: I overlooked breaking changes in Angularfire going to Angular 9 - Angularfire will go to 6. These steps not noted here, but necessary!

Go to Angular 9:
10. Remove any es5BrowserSupport flags in your angular.json (as per
11. ng update @angular/cli@9 @angular/core@9
12. Add zone-flags.ts in files section of
13. Add allowedCommonJsDependencies in angular.json
14. import '@angular/compiler'; in main.ts so the app does not break anymore

Go to Angular 10:
15. ng update @angular/cli@10 @angular/core@10

Upgrade of NGRX:
16. ng update @ngrx/store


My angular.json:

    "$schema": "./node_modules/@angular-devkit/core/src/workspace/workspace-schema.json",
    "version": 1,
    "defaultProject": "app",
    "newProjectRoot": "projects",
    "projects": {
        "app": {
            "root": "",
            "sourceRoot": "src",
            "projectType": "application",
            "prefix": "app",
            "schematics": {},
            "architect": {
                "build": {
                    "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
                    "options": {
                        "allowedCommonJsDependencies": [
                        "aot": true,
                        "outputPath": "www",
                        "index": "src/index.html",
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                                "input": "src/app/app.scss"
                        "scripts": []
                    "configurations": {
                        "production": {
                            "fileReplacements": [{
                                "replace": "src/environments/environment.ts",
                                "with": "src/environments/"
                            "optimization": true,
                            "outputHashing": "all",
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                            "extractCss": true,
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                                "type": "anyComponentStyle",
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                "serve": {
                    "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:dev-server",
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                        "browserTarget": "app:build"
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                            "browserTarget": "app:build:production"
                        "ci": {
                            "progress": false
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                    "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:extract-i18n",
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                        "browserTarget": "app:build"
                "test": {
                    "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:karma",
                    "options": {
                        "main": "src/test.ts",
                        "polyfills": "src/polyfills.ts",
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                "ionic-cordova-build": {
                    "builder": "@ionic/angular-toolkit:cordova-build",
                    "options": {
                        "browserTarget": "app:build"
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                            "browserTarget": "app:build:production"
                "ionic-cordova-serve": {
                    "builder": "@ionic/angular-toolkit:cordova-serve",
                    "options": {
                        "cordovaBuildTarget": "app:ionic-cordova-build",
                        "devServerTarget": "app:serve"
                    "configurations": {
                        "production": {
                            "cordovaBuildTarget": "app:ionic-cordova-build:production",
                            "devServerTarget": "app:serve:production"
        "app-e2e": {
            "root": "e2e/",
            "projectType": "application",
            "architect": {
                "e2e": {
                    "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:protractor",
                    "options": {
                        "protractorConfig": "e2e/protractor.conf.js",
                        "devServerTarget": "app:serve"
                    "configurations": {
                        "production": {
                            "devServerTarget": "app:serve:production"
                        "ci": {
                            "devServerTarget": "app:serve:ci"
                "lint": {
                    "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:tslint",
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                        "tsConfig": "e2e/tsconfig.e2e.json",
                        "exclude": [
    "cli": {
        "defaultCollection": "@ionic/angular-toolkit"
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Btw, in some point in time the ng cli says I need to remove some angular-devkit subpackages (core/schematics), and I changed the schema to "$schema": "./node_modules/@angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json",, but in vain…

Hi. Bumping. Anyone any suggestions? Thx!!!

Any chance of a peek at package.json?

Hi, sure thing. Thx. Tom

  "name": "xxxx",
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  "scripts": {
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    "build": "ng build",
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and main.ts which only differs from a newly baked project in having to include the angular compiler

import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';

import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
import { environment } from './environments/environment';

import '@angular/compiler';

if (environment.production) {

  .catch(err => console.log(err));

Thanks. Apologies if you’ve seen it before, but angular #35788 tingles my spidey-sense a bit here.

1 Like

Thank you very much. I overlooked that one. Sorry! Should have been easy to find.
Testing now. Many options given, but it seems mostly related to outdated dependencies. Will post here if I found the solution.

Running npm update, removing node_modules, deleting package-lock.json and rerunning npm i seemed to have done the trick. And now I assume it is running AOT.

Bundle size has almost doubled this way from Angular7/Ionic 4. Not sure if that makes me happy. Anyway, performance blast in return, I assume.

1 Like

I’m super-excited about the new localization stuff in 10.1, so I finally got to start playing around with 10 yesterday. By any chance, are you seeing warnings about CommonJS modules at build time? I’m thinking that might be a potential cause for your bundle bloat.

1 Like

Hi, yes, configured angular.json to ignore them until I time to replace if at all

Will stop at angular 8 as bundle size is bit of issue. I release to low bandwidth userbase