I’m putting together a ionicPopup and within your content, I need to make a call to a function. The problem is that not called me and read as undefined function. I leave my code.
$scope.verInfo = function(marker,marker){
title: 'Información View',
subTitle: '',
content: '<i class="'+marker.icono+' ver_view-1" id="icono_like" ng-cloak ng-click='+$scope.darLike(marker.id)+'><span>'+marker.like+'</span></i>',
buttons: [
{ text: 'Salir',
onTap: function(e){
text: 'Ver Detalle',
type: 'button-positive',
onTap: function(e) {
It’s a bit messy because the content is pure html. but $ scope.darLike function is not working, is not declared when inspecting items within the popup.