Cant bring InAppPurchase to live

Hey Guys,

i have a huge problem with my ionic 2 app and InAppPurchases.

Here the steps i did so far:

  1. I used the default InAppPurchase Plugin from ionic native
  2. I added a manifest.json file with:
    { "play_store_key": "<Base64-encoded public key from the Google Play Store>" }
    to my www & src folder.
  3. I added the ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-inapppurchase plugin
  4. My AndroidManifest.xml contains
    <uses-permission android:name="" />
  5. ???

And the google play store keep telling me, that my app dont contain InAppPurcheses.

Is there anything else i can do?

Thanks a lot!

Did you manage to resolve this? I am currently stuck on this.