So I wanted to start a new ionic project by writing: ionic start Ionic1 blank
After that I moved to that new directory and wanted to add android platform: ionic platform add android
I then got this error:
Error: Failed to fetch platform android
Probably this is either a connection problem, or platform spec is incorrect.
Check your connection and platform name/version/URL.
Error: EACCES: permission denied, open ‘/home/think/.cordova/lib/npm_cache/cordova-android/4.1.1/package/.npmignore’
I don’t know why this happens. I tried these:
change the permision with
chmod 744 /home/think/.cordova/lib/npm_cache/cordova-android/4.1.1/package/.npmignore
deinstalled and installed nodejs, cordova, ionic, etc.
Executed with sudo ionic platform add android (but “sudo” is not necessary i think since I added android platform before in other projects without having to write “sudo” )
I’m on ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I have android SDK manager installed.
I can build and run my other ionic projects that I created earlier. But since yesterday I can’t build new projects anymore. It happened when I iupdated to ionic 1.7.13