Cannot install inappbrowser plugin after ionic cli v3 installed


I installed the ionic cli v3 today. Everything works well but i have an issue when i am trying to the inappbrowser plugin
I get this :

λ ionic cordova plugin add
? What plugin would you like to add: inappbrowser
> cordova plugin add inappbrowser --save
✖ Running command - failed!

[ERROR] Cordova encountered an error.
        You may get more insight by running the Cordova command above directly.

[ERROR] An error occurred while running cordova plugin add inappbrowser --save (exit code 1):

        Error: Unpublished by ccreeves on 2015-10-11T04:52:47.498Z

Here is my ionic info
global packages:

@ionic/cli-utils : 1.0.0
Cordova CLI      : 7.0.0
Ionic CLI        : 3.0.0

local packages:

@ionic/app-scripts              : 1.3.5
@ionic/cli-plugin-cordova       : 1.0.0
@ionic/cli-plugin-ionic-angular : 1.0.0
@ionic/cli-plugin-ionic1        : 1.0.0
Ionic Framework                 : ionic-angular 3.1.0
Ionic Framework                 : unknown


Node       : v7.9.0
OS         : Windows 8
Xcode      : not installed
ios-deploy : not installed
ios-sim    : not installed

If someone has any ideas why it doesn’t work, i would be happy to try it.
Thank you for your time

I think you are trying to install the wrong plugin:

$ ionic plugin add --save cordova-plugin-inappbrowser

which with CLI v3 of course should be ionic cordova plugin add --save cordova-plugin-inappbrowser


Thank you for your answer ! It worked well after i wrote cordova-plugin-inappbrowser when asked what plugin i wanted to install

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Note that you have both CLI-Plugins for Ionic-Angular and Ionic1 installed - you only want the first one. Remove the second one from your package.json and you should be good.