Following this post:
I added can-swipe-back="false"
to my <ion-view>
<ion-view can-swipe-back="false" style="background-color:#e9eaed;">
But swiping back on this view still fires on iOS devices. I am using Ionic version 1.0.0
Following this post:
I added can-swipe-back="false"
to my <ion-view>
<ion-view can-swipe-back="false" style="background-color:#e9eaed;">
But swiping back on this view still fires on iOS devices. I am using Ionic version 1.0.0
Not working of me either
In ionic.bundle.js, search for “transition: ‘ios’,” and the line under it should be changed to “swipeBackEnabled: false,”
Note that if you update ionic then this change will be overwritten.