it has been three days and I’m trying to pull the data from firebase but with no luck , every time I try to pull the data I get this error (printed from the console) :
console.log: {"_isScalar":false,"source":{"_isScalar":false},"operator":{}}
I’m not sure what is the problem so I can understand where to look , the connection is good because I was able to push data, but I’m not sure why I’m getting this error.
here is my pulling data code :
this is an observable to store the songs list
songs$: Observable<Song[]>;
then I tried to pull the data with this code :
this.songs$ = this.songsServ.getSongs() // Get the DB list
.snapshotChanges() //snapshot changes to get both key and value
.map(change => {
return => ({
key: c.payload.key, ...c.payload.val()
but nothing was listed on the list I made (which supposed to loop through the songs array) so I made a button which will run this function :
this.songs$.subscribe(song =>{
after pressing the button and executing the print
function I get this output :
console.log: {"_isScalar":false,"source":{"_isScalar":false},"operator":{}}